Thursday, January 9, 2014

Still Lots to Do

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and that they successfully came back to reality. So far I have been working full time, attempting to study for online classes, keeping a pretty demanding social life due to recent developments, and still eating plant-based! Oh, and I didn't mention trying to find a way to pay for grad school and needing to apply to more schools soon. EEK.

I could go on and on about how my first week or so has gone with my Eat to Health plan. Summary, not too bad, not too good.

New Years was a crazy night for me, so the day after was my splurge day. Some splurges followed into the next couple days based purely on eating leftovers and not wanting to waste food :/

I'm going to try to make this organized. Hey, I may suffer from fatigue, but I can still pull off a pretty decent type A personality. I'm going to give three ways I failed and three ways I succeeded.

1) I'm having difficulties getting the right proportions of what I should be eating everyday. I'm still seeing maybe more grains than I should be having, or more fat, or less fruit, etc. A good dose of meal planning may help this as I haven't had time to do so recently.
2) Other than New Years, I had a few "bad food" moments. These all correspond to social situations where I am either eating out or participating in snacking. This being said, I still ate relatively healthy vegan options with veggies, beans, and whole grains. The fat may have been a little over the top though due to "normal" cooking practices. I also had a third of a vegan cupcake today... So good, but so bad for my absurd insulin response.
3) I'm still not sure I'm actually eating a decent amount of calories on the days I don't splurge. I guess this ties back to my first point.

1) I have definitely increased my veggie intake! I have been eating large salads and seem to be adding kale to everything I think I can. When I go shopping, I just walk through the produce isle and grab what looks good.
2) I have a pretty good mentality about adding more G-BOMBS to my diet ( For example, when I am grocery shopping I tend to make sure mushrooms are in my basket and lots of leafy greens. I always have onions, beans, and seeds at my house.
3) I've only skipped taking my supplements twice these two-ish weeks! That's a huge deal for me because it's difficult for me to remember those things. I believe I have done well with this because I just put my supplements right on my kitchen counter, so every time I get food or a glass of water they are staring at me. I try to take them with breakfast. Also, they don't make me sick like most vitamins do. I'm hoping that's a sign I'm actually taking something that's good for me. Not sound logic, but it helps me a bit.

Overall, I think my energy is somewhat the same but feel more energetic than I would expect for the cold season. Maybe once I have better control over everything I can make an actual food journal and let you know exactly what I'm doing. Exciting, I know.

Extra veggie pics:

Steamed green beans with nutritional yeast sprinkled on top and some quinoa pilaf with mushrooms, cranberries, and pumpkin seeds. 

I actually had this plate of veggies dipped in (not all of that) amazing sun dried tomato hummus for dinner one night. I was surprisingly "energetic" afterwards and even did some cleaning. Whoa! 

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